Pet Product Review – BioBags Biodegradable and Compostable Pet Waste Bags
Yesterday, President Obama introduced new measures to to help the environment. This includes ordering the Evironmental Protection Agency (EPA) to toughen the regulations on harmful car emissions. You can help right away too. Maybe not in passing legislation, but by buying BioBag certified biodegradable and compostable pet waste bags.
BioBag is a truly unique pet waist bag product that is made from cornstarch and biodegradable polymer. Unlike imitation polyethylene plastic bags that “degrade” into small pieces of plastic, BioBag are compostable and will completely biodegrade into rich compost in less than a month. I was impressed how BioBag is certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute and meets all ASTM standards.
I’ve seen BioBag products, including cat litter bin liners onsale at Whole Foods and online at companies like Prices start at only $5.79 for 50 bags! That is a great price. A box of BioBag dog waste bags is essential for your car!
Communities all around the world are starting to recognize the importance of having good biodegradable pet waste bags available to those who visit parks. I’ve read how most of the community parks in Ontario, Canada have BioBag dog waste bags available in a convenient and attractive post location. I wish more communities in the United States would follow with similar initiatives. I know for a fact, the park system in New York City does not. How embarrassing. I’d love to hear from people who give recognition to their communities with intelligent civic leaders who have installed BioBag post stations in their local parks.
If you have a pet product that you think will pass the Secret Shopper test, send an email to