Product Review: Flexi Glam Retractable Leashes

Pet Product Review: Flexi Glam Retractable Leashes with Swarovski Crystals.

So far I’ve recommended the perfect romantic dinner for your pup, well what comes next but that romantic stroll in the Park. Not only are walks necessary, dogs love them, and they love to promanade with style.

Flexi, the world’s leader in retractable leashes has the ultimate in Valentine’s Bling that’s purrrfect for those romantic strolls, the Flexi Glam. Spoil your dog rotten with this gorgeous , one of a kind retractable leash featuring a stylish casing embellished with genuine, hand-picked Swarovski Crystals. They are perfect for any stylish, fashion forward dog under 26lbs.

Flexi Glam

The Flexi Glam is only available on the website: Pali tried out the Flexi Glam, and her owner Luisa now refers to her as the diva of the dog run. At only $169 this bling is exotic and affordable.

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