Pet Product Review: Salix Premium Beefhide Beef Basted Ribs 2 lbs Bag
So the othere day, I’m in Walmart and whenever I am at Walmart, I stock up on dog food, cat food and treats. They simply have the best prices for the product. On this particular trip, I wanted to get some raw hide treats. Reason being, is I’m going on vacation the first week in March and I wanted to make sure that the dog sitter had ample chew treats that would keep my dog occupied while I was gone. Well, you may know if you’ve gone shopping lately, these chew treats are very expensive. Lucky for me, Walmart sells Salix Primum Beefhide treats.
I am trying out the Beef Basted Ribs that come in a 2 lbs bag. You can’t beat the price at $5.49 for a the entire bag. Compared to pigs ears which I on occassion for the same reason, to keep my dog busy, they can cost about $2 per ear.
Salix American Beefhide Beef Basted Ribs did at first concern me, because unline raw hide chews, they splinter a bit and was worried about choking. But after giving my dog one, I noticed that rather than splintering, the ribs actually crumble, and stay very soft. The package says they veterinarian approved, who knows, but they also help to reduce tartar buildup, something I value since keeping my dogs’ teeth cleaned and healthy is important.
Salix says these are handmade in Brazil, and they come with a satisfaction guarantee. They’re about three inches long and look like real short ribs. Well, my dog seems to like them and I think they’re good for an occassional chew treat.
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