Product Review: Pet Voyage Sport Pet Carrier

Pet Product Review -Pet Voyage Sport Pet Carrier, Blue

Just yesterday, Champ and I walked to our local pet store and what caught my attention was a very sharp pet carrier from a company called Pet Voyage. I really liked this pet carrier because it was no non-sense, sturdy, had ample mesh panels so that the pet can see out and it was light weight. I couldn’t help thinking how perfect it was for taking my cat Stinky to the vet or even just to the park so that he can share a picnic with me (from inside the carrier of course).

pet voyage pet carrier

But before I made the purchase, I thought “let me look on line and do some research”. Well, sure enough Pet Voyage carriers are approved for airline use, thats good. And all of the materials are weather resistant PVC. The zippers are double stitched for added security. And the total weight is 3.3 lbs.

Now the most important finding online was the price. Like in my neighborhood pet store, the medium Pet Voyage carrier, in blue was about $70. I saw the same prices more or less consistently online, except when I got to Walmart. At Walmart go to this page: you can find the same exact product for 1/2 the price. Its the same! Just note its only available online at Pet Voyage pet carrier, a great product, and at Walmart a great price.

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