Product Review: Buddy Biscuits Peanut Butter Madness 6oz

Pet Product Review – Buddy Biscuits Peanut Butter Madness 6oz

Ok, the most adorable pet treat that I’ve seen in ages??? Buddy Biscuits Peanut Butter Madness. Take a look at this actual biscuit:

Buddy Biscuit Peantut Butter MadnessThe people at Cloud Star, the manufacturer of Budy Biscuits sent me and Champ a bag of Buddy Biscuits Peanut Butter Maddess, and it was a sure hit. First, I love how Buddy Biscuits are cute little morsels of soft and chewy snacks. Next, I love how they are corn free and thus high in protein without any artificial colors and flavors. As for Champ, he see’s me take the bag out of the cup board and sits patiently in anticipation of tasty reward.

buddy biscuits package

Now, you may be saying, how with all the recent recalls of peanut products can you recommend a treat made with peanut butter? Well I checked directly with the manufacturer and they assured me with a corporate statement that no Cloud Star products have been affected by the recent recalls and are sourced only from the most well respected suppliers of all natural ingredients. Added plus, Buddy Biscuits are made in the USA ! You go Cloud Star!

A little insight, these treats smelled so delicious, I even took a little nibble (teeny tiny). Well, it was definitely peanuty, and very all natural tasting with a strong hint of salt. Try some for yourself. Buddy Biscuits Peanut Butter Madness is available all over the country, even at well known e-retailers like Go here for more information and ordering:

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