Product Review: Wellness Pure Rewards Chicken & Lamb Jerky Treats for Dogs

Pet Product Review – Wellness Pure Rewards Chicken & Lamb Jerky Treats for Dogs

Ok, I have to tell you today is going to be the last product review of doggie treats for a long while. You know why? With all the samples that get sent to me, and Champ, my Sheltie happily willing to test them all, he’s starting to turn up his nose at his regular dog food, and even at some of his lesser favorite treats (which only a week ago may have been his favorite treat ever). So, the take away from today’s blog post: DO NOT OVER TREAT YOUR DOG!

wellness pure rewards

But, if you are looking for a treat, Champ’s new favorite spoil me rotten but healthy treat is Wellness pure Rewards Chicken & Lamb Jerky Bits for Dogs. YUM! Even I have to say, these 1″x1″ squares of pressed moist meat smell lovely. They do kinda remind me of soylent green, from the 70’s movie, but who cares. Champ certainly does not, even though he gets only one, when he’s good of course, you can tell, he simply loves them.

Now, in order for me to love the treats, they need to comprise the following:

Nothing Artificial, Grain Free, Few Ingredients, Never Recalled and made in the USA. Well Wellness Pure Rewards Chicken & Lamb bits for dogs, meets these all of these. Wellness Pure Rewards also come in several delicious flavors including Salmon, Turkey and Beef.

If you’re looking to buy the product, we recommend going to I checked out 5 online retailers, and their prices were the best for a 6oz bag. Order your Wellness Pure Reward Chicken & Lamb Jerky Treats for Dogs and save over $2 per bag at:

If you’ve got a product you think will pass the Secret Shopper Test, send an email to:

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