Product Review: Wellness Pure Delights All-Natural Delicious Jerky Treats for Cats

Pet Products Review – Wellness Pure Delights All-Natural Delicious Jerky Treats for Cats

pure delights

So, the people at Wellness were nice enough sending me a sample of Wellness Pure Delights All-Natural Delicious Jerky Treats for Cats in the beef flavor. I really liked this treat because they were fresh and moist and small squares of delicious pressed jerky. They sent me the sample because they know I have a cat named Stinky. Problem is, you know how cats are, they are very finicky. I tried for over a week to get Stinky to eat the treats. But, not to worry, I knew that Stinky is not a huge fan of cat treats.

His friend Agnes however does like treats. But, Agnes is typical in that it takes her a while to warm up to a new snack too. In fact it took here 3 days. But, here mommy told me that after that third day she comes meowing for more.

I like how Wellness Pure Delights All-Natural Delicious Jerky Treats for Cats is all natural and made of highly supervised ingredients. Their jerky treats have never been affected by a recall. I found the Wellness Pure Delights All-Natural Delicious Jerky Treats for Cats at my Whole Foods grocery store. Look for them there or go to for store locations near you.

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