Product Review: Puppy Pinata – Plush Interactive Pet Toy

Pet Product Review – Puppy Pinata – Plush Interactive Pet Toy

Ok, I have to be honest with you, when I received the sample of the Puppy Pinata in the mail, I opened it up and thought OMG this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. This toy is a plush toy, much like a beanie baby, but with an interior cavity that is held together with velcro. Inside that space holds a treat.

Well, Champ, my Sheltie took one look at the toy and couldn’t be bothered. So, I tried my cat Stinky. A little bit better; Stinky at least tried to play with the cute plush toy. Then my friend Nyko came over with his Minature Pinscher named Kai. well, you would have thought it was Christmas. This little dog fell in love with this toy. Not only did it take her 20 minutes to open up the velcro and get the treats but afterwards she walked around the apartment with the plush Puppy Pinata in her mouth all afternoon. It was simply adorable.

Below is the official press release from Puppy Pinata.

Puppy Piñata is the only interactive “2-in-1” plush dog toy stuffed with a natural treat. The product stimulates a dog’s natural instinct or their “inner wolf” and gives them the satisfaction of working for the prey, shaking the toy, opening the secret pocket to the treat, and then conquering the task. The Puppy Piñata was chosen by Dr. Marty Becker, veterinarian correspondent on Good Morning America, as one of the “Pet Product Breakthroughs of the Year”.

The tale of Puppy Piñata began after years of Jussi De Fazio and his Doberman, Caesar, making trip after trip to the pet store buying dog toys. When a new toy was bought, Caesar played with them for a little while but seemed bored. Caesar was even bored with treats given by hand. With the understanding that dogs want to huntand catch their prey, De Fazio blended Caesar’s favorite hunting game of “Go Find It” with a plush toy and a treat. The idea of a pre-stuffed plush toy was invented. Puppy Piñata company debuted in Fall 2008 For more information, please visit

Now at the end of the day, the price is $9.99 for the small toy. Although it is fun, especially for a smaller dog, you might want to consider creating your own with a plush beanie baby and some velcro from a crafts store.

puppy pinata

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