Product Revew: Kurgo Tru-Fit Smart Harness with Seat belt tether

Pet Product Review – Kurgo Tru-Fit Smart Harness with Seat belt tether

With summer right around the corner, and families starting to travel with their dogs for the holidays, this entire week will be focused on accessories for safe and smart travel with your dog. The first that was brought to my attention was Kurgo’s Tru-Fit Smart Harness with Seat belt tether. I simply think it is one of the smartest car accessories a dog owner can buy:

Kurgo Tru-Fit Smart Harness with Seat belt tetherKurgo Tru-Fit Smart Harness with Seat belt tether

Kurgo’s designers know a harness has to be easy to put on or it will not be used. As a result, the Kurgo Smart Harness is the easiest to use harness available today. Kurgo followed up great design with high quality automotive materials such as seat belt webbing and a comfortable fit around the dog for added comfort and safety.


Protects dogs, drivers and passengers on the road

Designed to be easy to put on

Broad, padded chest plate for extra protection and comfort

Can be safely used with the Kurgo Auto Zip Line

Includes a seat belt loop so the Kurgo Smart Harness can be used with any vehicle seat belt

The price is right at less than $26. Order yours at Nutra-9:

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