Pet Product Review – The Dog Tag Generator
My most favorite jewelry, my dog tags from Such a simple idea but one that is so universally cool. is a Dog Tag Generator. You must go to this site. The site has a variety of customization fields that allow you to create American military style dog tags with exactly the message you want. And you can choose from a variety of panteens and colors. Its a stylish way of giving your dog a voice should you choose. I created created tags that not only had my contact information and my dog’s name, but also a back up telephone number and the contact information for my vet.
Unfortunately my buddy, Champ passed on to the rainbow bridge while my tags were on order. Now I wear them as a momento to friendship. I cheerish these lovely tags. (and that is .ca not .com) gives you the power of full customization for only $7.99. It is worth the price and I highly recommend these tags to everyone.
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