Dog food recipes

WARNING: These recipes do not meet 100 percent of dogs’ nutritional needs. They are intended to help owners prepare the occasional treat, not to serve as the basis of any dog’s diet. If you wish to cook for your dog regularly, please consult a vet or veterinary nutritionist to learn about nutritionally balanced meals.

Cooking for your dogs is making a comeback. Some owners, scared by the 2007 pet food contamination scandal, trust what they make themselves more than what they find on shelves. Others just like to treat their best furry friend to a homemade goody every now and then.

Either way, dishing up food for your pooch can be good for his health–so long as you keep a few guidelines in mind.

  • Stick with healthy, unprocessed ingredients. Think lean meats, whole grains, and vegetables rather than leftover lasagna, rolls, or fries.
  • Know and avoid foods that are dangerous for dogs, such as chocolate and onions.
  • Keep it balanced. These recipes are meant to be occasional treats, not the mainstay of your dog’s diet. If you want to cook all your dog’s food, consult a vet or a veterinary nutritionist to make sure your homestyle meals supply all the nutrients your pooch needs. (See “Feeding people food to dogs” for more info.)
  • Add in homecooked food slowly. Sudden changes in diet can cause tummy upset.
  • Send us your recipes! If you make something your dog adores, send us the recipe at so we can add it to the list. And please share your comments on the board below.

Dog food recipes

Baby food stew

Balanced chow

Banana bones

Banana-nilla chillers

Beef cake

Bone appetite cookies

Buried strawberry surprise

Buster’s basic stew

Canine candy pops


Casey’s carob cake

Cheese crisps

Cinnamon lickables

Come-pet-me dumplings

Diggers’ dream muffins

Doggie donuts

Duncan hounds brownies

Fetching fruit pudding

Fleas-b-gone biscuits

Great pupkin pie

Healthy hound casserole

Howliday cookies

Killer kong filling

Lamb cake

Lamb-tastic stew

Liver bits

Lovely liver cookies

Maggie’s meat & potatoes

Meatball appetizers

Muttigan’s stew

Nuts for bananas

Paw-tassium poppers

Peanut butter barks


Pupsicle minis

Pup’s puddin’ pops

Quiche unleashed

Rex’s easy riceburger

Rover’s rawhide spread

Ruff & stuff apple muffins

Slammin’ salmon cookies

Tasty tail

Trixie’s training treats

Turkey day scramble

Turkey mash

Uno’s party starters

Waggle bites

Yogurt delight

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