Yöghund Frozen Yogurt Treats for Dogs

Pet Product Review – Yöghund Frozen Yogurt Treats for Dogs

So, yesterday I had to go to the dentist, and it was 85 degrees, hot and humid. Afterwards I craved Ice Cream, so I was able to simply stop at a Mister Softie and get my gelato fix. But what would a dog do? I’m sure they would want the same summer treat. Well, coincidentally as I was reflecting on my indulgence, I pass my local pet store and in t he window see a big sign for Yöghund. I figured, great Haagen Daz for dogs. So I bought a a container, or should I say splurged with $8.35 for a 3.5 oz container as a summer treat for Chi Chi my neighbor’s French Bull Dog.

Well, let me tell you, the Banana and Peanut Butter variety I selected was a huge hit. Because it is frozen, Chi Chi was able to lick with delight for a good 5 minutes. After that it just kind of got sloppy and melted.


Now here is the thing, normally I would never buy a dog treat at such an extravegant price. And yes, I feel the price is too high. But, this product is not just a treat, its a healthy nutritional supplement. I did my research and Yöghund is real yogurt. It is produced by fermentation of organic, low-fat milk containing live bacterial cultures (or probiotics), which are known to aid digestive and immune systems, as well as help nutrient absorption. You may see even human yogurt companies are promoting the benefits of probiotics. Also, vets recommend the benefits of probiotics for dogs a great deal. Think about it, a dog doesn’t think twice about what he gobbles down, and often the mix could be a bit unsettling. With the help of probiotics, you help maintain a healthy digestive track. I’m sure you want the same for yourself, so why not your dog, and get cool and have fun while getting healty?

I do have to say Yoghund makes for the perfect gift if you’re spending the weekend at another dog owners beach cottage.

Now for the cost, yes, I complained about the cost. But, I do have to point out that Yoghund is really special. They are a small, all natural, 100% organic company with a strong philosophy for creating only the finest products in small batches. Thus, their distribution is limited to assure maximum freshness. Their packaging is 100% recycled and the product is made in New Hampshire. This adds up to a premium price. I’m sure as more people discover the great taste and health benefits of Yohund, the price will come down. But for now, you can find Yoghund at pet stores and natual grocery stores. I recommend Paw Naturals my favorite all natural online retailer: http://www.pawnaturals.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=yog&CartID=0

If you’ve got a pet product you think will pass the Secret Shopper Test, send an email to SecretShopperBlog@gmail.com

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