Garvins’ ISP Ointment – Amazing

Pet Product Review – Garvin’s ISP Ointment

I was sent a sample of my favorite new skin restoration and condition ointment. Its called ISP Ointment and quite frankly, I’m recommending that you go directly to Garvin’s site to get full information on the products and it’s benefits and order some:


Why do I like this product? Because I used it on myself and it worked wonders. I burnt my index finger on the oven; not fun. Well, that same morning my sample came and I thought, well let me try it since neither of my pets have a skin condition. In 3 days my bad burn was gone and the skin restored to normal; and I didn’t even use a lot of ointment.

I contacted the company Garvins ISP if it was ok for human use and they said “yes, of course”. The Garvin’s ISP Ointment contains a blend of iodine, sulfur & cocoa butter in a soothing and protective base of refined petrolatum. It’s completely non toxic and unconditionally guaranteed for all skin and nail problems. That’s right, money back if you’re not happy. It’s great for Dogs, Cats, Horses, even Ferrets. So anytime you get a dry patch or itchy irritated skin, perhaps a hot spot, go straight to your cupboard and use your Garvin’s ISP ointment.

Again the link to get your 4oz jar of Garvins’ ISP Ointment is: Considering that a 1/2 oz tube of Neosporin is $5. Its a bargain. Be forewarned however, Garvins’ has a distinctive smell. I think it smells of chicken soup boullion, but the people at Garvins’ tell me its the smell of all natural cocoa butter. Don’t worry, it blends into your skin with in moments.

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