ipuppyone Air Flex Soft Harness

Pet Products Review – ipuppyone soft harnesses for dogs

So, my little Charlie is getting bigger. He enjoys his walks and now likes to explore and play in the grass. So, I figured it was time to upgrade his harness. My choice this go around was the Air Flex soft harness by ipuppyone.


The ipuppyone Air-Flex harness features both an adjustable neck and body belt. It is 100% polyester mesh, machine wash and dry, with logo patch on the chest. I chose this vest because it was incredibly light weight and for the hot summer, has lots of ventilation. The last vest I had was neoprene and could cause heat around the chest for a hairy dog like mine.

I bought my ipuppyone vest at my local pet store, but you can one online for the same price of $19.95 at ClothingYourPet.com here is the link for the vest with proper sizing information: http://clothingyourpet.com/catalog/ipuppyone-Air-Flex-Hot-Pink-p-16311.html

Here is my adorable Charlie wearing his ipuppyone vest: Ipuppyonevestcharlie_thumb

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