Rascodog’s ReadyLeash and Readybags

Pet Product Review – Rascodog’s ReadyLeash and Readybags

OK simply put Rascodog’s ReadyLeash is my favorite dog leash and I highly recommend this product.


Here is why I love this leash:

1. It is surprisingly light weight

2. The grip is fantastically strong and ergonomic, so no more pulling and run away dogs

3. The leash is not retractable, so your pup stays at perfect distance to you while walking

4. The Rascodog ReadyBags make poop clean up very easy and simple

5. The Rascodog ReadLeash is super well constructed at a price you can not beat

I truly love the sample Rascodog sent to me. But the story of RascoDog is much bigger than I can write. Here is a short bit on great RascoDog story:


Dog Waste: Out of Control in U.S Cities

A new dog leash with bags makes it easy to pick up dog poop

Boston, MA – Aug. 5, 2009 – There are few things quite as frustrating as cleaning off your shoes after an unfortunate encounter with dog poop. Boston based Rascodog, has developed a revolutionary line of eco-friendly pet products reflecting a commitment to cleaning up the environment. The ReadyLeash combines function and style with built in biodegradable poop bags inconspicuously stored in the belly of the leash handle. Rascodog is helping to clean-up dog neighborhoods all over the country.

“This was truly an invention of necessity,” said Rascodog founder and president, Eric Sugalski, ” On more than one occasion, we were forced to bum a waste bag off of Oscar’s friends at the park because we had forgotten ours. Now, we can walk and play at the park with confidence knowing we’re fully prepared.”

Rascodog’s ReadyLeash is the latest in dog walking gear combining an comfortable leash handle with an integrated bag roll dispenser. Just pop in a roll of Rascodog’s biodegradable Readybags, and they dispense from the handle like tissues. Equipped with a 4-foot adjustable lead, the combination grip / bag dispenser and 45 biodegradable Readybags, the ReadyLeash retails for $19.99.

“The ReadyLeash represents an all-In-one solution for responsible pet owners,” continued Sugalski. “And the biodegradable waste bag was really a no-brainer for us. Our goal at Rascodog is to provide high quality, comfortable, stylish, functional and eco-friendly pet products that enable dog owners to take excellent care of their dogs and their neighborhoods.”

About Rascodog

Rascodog is a Boston based company founded in 2007. The company pledges to provide original and high-quality products that promote responsible dog ownership. For more information visit www.rascodog.com.


If you’ve got a pet product you think will pass the Secret Shopper Test, send an email to SecretShopperBlog@gmail.com

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