Pet Product Review – Hot Dog Balm by Jackson Sage
Forget the dog…. I kept this product for myself, ’cause I LOVE IT!!!
The Hot Dog Balm from Jackson Sage. If I can tell you, this balm is a spa in a jar! I love it, and someday, I may share with my pet.
The balm is the perfect all natural remedy for skin irritations, infections, hot spots and other minor skin inflictions. But one smell, and you, like me will want it for yourself. My dog had no minor skin problems, but I tried it on my rough elbows and nicks from gardening over the weekend. In one day, those little scrapes were gone and my dry bits smooth. Plus the smell is heavenly good, I swear.
What makes it so good, I don’t know, but here is information from the manufacturer Jackson Sage:
A Hot Dog Balm | |
Doggie Sage Hot Dog Balm contains healing herbs and oils known for anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. It is designed to be used for minor skin infections, hot spots, and other skin irritations that your pet may have.
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Price: |
$13.00 Definitely order a bottle today for yourself at If you’ve got a pet product you think will pass the Secret Shopper Test, send an email to |