SPA™ Fresh Facial Scrub, Blueberry

Pet Product Review – SPA™ Fresh Facial Scrub, Blueberry

Blueberries? Dogs? How do they mix? Let me tell you, wonderfully. I love this product SPA™ Fresh Facial Scrub, Blueberry. My groomer friend Barry recommended it to me.


This natural scub is great for any dog with skin problems. Very gentle and soothing. And the smell; oh la la it’s fresh and wonderful. If your dog has tear stains, try SPA™ Fresh Facial Scrub, Blueberry it works great!

What makes it so special, I’m not entirely sure, but here is the description from their website:

Product Details:

All-natural SPA™ Fresh Facial Scrub pampers pets with beauty-enhancing, botanical formulas. Gentle formula contains vanilla and blueberry to remove stains without irritating eyes or sensitive skin.


  • Formulated with the finest botanicals and plant extracts for a therapeutic and beauty-enhancing grooming experience
  • Safe for puppies and kittens over 6 weeks old
  • Mild, foaming SPA™ Fresh Facial Scrub facial cleaner exfoliates, soothes, and hydrates
  • Contains vanilla and blueberry to remove tearstains without stinging eyes
  • Facial Scrub is ready to use
  • Size Bottle: 8 fl.oz.

Additional Specifications:

Remove excess residue around eyes and mouth with a warm, moist cloth. Wet face and apply a generous amount of Fresh Facial Scrub. Massage it well into the coat. Use a moist, cotton cloth to massage the Facial Scrub thoroughly into the stained areas. Rinse and dry. Heavily stained areas will require daily use until the stain is removed. Weekly application will prevent future stains.

Approximate Delivery Time: 1-2 weeks

If having a well groomed dog is important to you, order your bottle today for $12.99 at Paw Palace Online. Here is the link to the order page:

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