Ring 5 Protein Coat Conditioner

Pet Product Review – Ring 5 Protein Coat Conditioner

So, yesterday Charlie and I went to the launch party of a new social community site for uncompromising pet parents. It is called ride out the likes. Soon I will send you more information about this social community as it is very interesting.

But before going to the party we want to make sure we were both groomed to our best standards. So, we called over our favorite groomer Barry and he made Charlie look fluffy and adorable. I said Barry what’s your secret today? He said. I like to give up finishing coat of protein conditioner. His current favorite is Ring 5 Protein Coat Conditioner.


Ring 5 Protein Coat Conditioner adds body and shine to the coat. Contains polypeptide acids to rebuild damaged coats. Anti-Static and PH balanced. Suitable for all breeds and coats. A conditioner which moisturizes the coat giving it a healthier appearance. Restructures damaged and tired coats.

SIZE 8 oz

SIZE2 Reduces shedding and skin flaking

COLOR Restructures damaged and tired hair

INFO Simplifies mat removal

Order yours today for only $6.80 at PetMarket.com http://www.petmarket.com/ring-5-protein-coat-conditioner-p-2538.html

If you have a pet product you think can pass the Secret Shopper Test, send and email to: secretshopperblog@gmail.com

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