Nature’s Best by Hill’s Science Diet

Pet Product Review – Nature’s Best by Hill’s Science Diet

I have this friend who is so darling, she works close to Grand Central Station in New York. If you’re from New York City, you’ll know this location is “sample city”. Companies love to give out samples. With that over the course of a week collected for me and my pup Charlie over 20 boxes of daily sample packs of Nature’s Best by Hill’s Science Diet. What a doll.

Although I accepted them graciously, my pup is too young to have a diet that is changed around frequently. So I took the samples and in turn donated them to a local organization that saves and fosters stray cats and dogs in my neighborhood. With the economy the way it is, they are grateful for any donation.

I did, however ask Marta, the group organizer if she could help me out, and select just one dog and give him the Nature’s Best by Hill’s Science Diet for a straight 20 days. She obliged. Lucky for me all of the samples were Nature’s Best Lamb & Brown Rice Dinner.


Wel,l after the 20 days, Marta called me up and said that dog she was fostering had improved so significantly in such a fast time. Not only did he have more energy, but his coat was fluffy and had a nice shine to it, and he played at the dog run with more glee than before. I’m not sure, but I think the combination of superior dog food and some good home love did the trick.

Now there are many great quality dog foods out there, and many that are not so great. And each one will work differently on different dogs. So I like this product, but I do recommend you ask your vet or breeder what foods they recommend. Nature’s Best pet food claims to be the only natural pet food clinically proven to provide complete, balanced nutrition. Go to their website for more details:

While you’re there, make sure to sign up for your $5 off coupon so that you can try the food risk free. And check out the link where to buy as Nature’s Best by Hill’s Science Diet is available at local veterinarians.

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