Pet Product Review – Dr. Shawn’s Organic Shampoo & Ear Wash
Dr. Shawn couldn’t have chosen a more opportune time to send his shampoo and ear wash samples for review! Jade needed a bath; Braveheart had developed ear mites and; Shakespeare (the newest addition to our family and testing panel), was in desperate need of an ear cleaning!
The panel weighs in with their ratings (5 paws = excellent):
Naturally Soothing All-In-One Shampoo

The lather was indeed luxurious and it’s good to know that it is environmentally friendly! It did rinse out easily, and his hair dried quickly. The only change I would make would be to the “fresh fragrance.” It’s fresh, but reminds me of the citronella candles I use on the patio in the summer. You can also purchase the shampoo in Mint which I would prefer.
Organic Ear Wash

You can purchase a 16 oz bottle of Dr. Shawn’s Organic Mint, All-In-One, Flea & Tick or Itch Relief Shampoo for $19 and an 8 oz bottle of the Organic Ear Wash for $15 on the website . You can also find a local retailer who carries Dr. Shawn’s products by visiting their pet retailer page .
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