Pet Product Review – Herbal Eye Wash, Shampoo & Healing Salve by Halo Pets
The great team at Halo sent the panel samples of their herbal eye wash, herbal shampoo and herbal healing salve to review.

Herbal Eye Wash – Kaya has a thick, heavy, eye discharge resembling small pebbles when it hardens. Lindsey is using the Herbal Eye Wash and believes she has seen some improvement. It is a 3 part process involving a considerable time investment, but hopefully it will be worth it! $19.79 at
Herbal Shampoo – Jocelyn bathed Lucia with the shampoo and really liked the rich lather that rinsed out easily! She says, “With other shampoos I feel like I’m sitting there all day trying to rinse my dogs.” We also used the shampoo on Shakespeare and really enjoyed the “clean smell” that lasted for several days. $16.49 at
Herbal Healing Salve – Khan has an annoying sore that causes him discomfort. Jocelyn used the healing salve and says, “I really like the healing salve. It has no odor and glides on very easily! It seemed to be very soothing for my dog as he did not try to lick it off as he has with other products and the sore is almost completely gone!” $14.29 at
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