All Natural Dog Treats by The Culinary K9

Pet Product Reviews – All Natural Dog Treats by The Culinary K9


The most delicious surprise arrived on our doorstep, courtesy of the kind folks at the Culinary K9! The panel is always happy when their assignment is taste-testing edible confections!

The treats from the Culinary K9 were distributed and gulped with a speed that would make the Looney Tunes Tasmanian Devil character proud! We sampled the biscotti, the margaritas, and some adorable frosted palm trees. Cute and scrumptious, they’re baked fresh and shipped within 48 hours. They can be stored in the fridge, in an air-tight container, for up to 5 weeks (10 weeks in the freezer).

“100% all natural ingredients & Eco Friendly packaging, Good for your pup and good for the planet!” Can’t beat that!


5paws_thumbPanel members were unanimous in rating the All Natural Dog Treats by The Culinary K9 a 5 paw pet product!

They’re running an amazing special right now: Buy one bag get one free! You can purchase the treats in a variety of flavors and shapes in either the small, medium or big dawgs sizes, on The Culinary K9’s website. They sell for $6.95 for a 1/2 pound package and $10.95 for a 1 pound package. All treats are shipped priority mail.

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