Pet Product Review – Luxury pet products by Ragazzi Life
The dog lovers at Ragazzi were kind enough to send us a few of their products to try out. Let’s see what the panel thought…
Love the convenience of having the ear cleaning solution pre-applied to the pad! The panel was also impressed with how thick and wet the pads are. They cut right through the wax, and we only needed one pad per dog!$14 for a jar of 25 pads.
When testing this product we learned that a couple of the panel members are fearful of the “pssst” sound of a spray bottle. However, Lucia was not, and her owner Jocelyn said, “It left Lucia’s coat shiny and extremely soft, my hands were even extremely soft after using it!! I would definitely use this product again.”$12 for 8 fl. oz.
Shakespeare always seems to have an annoying itch somewhere on his body, so we sprayed some of the odorless Fast Relief Spray on his itchiest spots and didn’t see him scratching again for a couple of days. I would say the itch spray definitely works!$14 for 4 fl. oz.

Visit theRagazzi Life storefor more beauty products as well as leashes, collars, tags, t-shirts, vests, bowls and towels! You can also join theirsocial network for dog loversand participate in activities available exclusively to network members.
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