Pet Product Review: Paw-Pads non-slip traction pads for dogs (by PupGear)
PupGear is a small company with a big mission; to create and market products that improve the quality of life for man’s best friend. Their Paw-Pads are made especially for senior or ailing dogs who have a difficult time getting around on slick floor surfaces. They are self-adhesive with a pressure sensitive skin-grade adhesive.

Our mellow-Yellow Lab, Joey (who is getting on in years), has trouble keeping his front paws from sliding out from under him when he sits on the linoleum kitchen floor. This has undoubtedly been a source of great irritation for Joey seeing that the kitchen is his favorite hang-out place. Joey was curious but not concerned as we cleaned his front paws and applied the Paw-Pads. I was pleasantly surprised to see Joey make no attempts to try to remove the pads, he just sat right up and “Viola!” no more front paw slippage. Now he is able to hold his best begging pose for hours on end (lucky me)!
Joey was quick to give Paw-Pads the panel’s highest rating of 5 paws!
You can purchase Paw-Pads in packages of 8 full paw sets for $12.50/small & medium; $13.00/large and $13.50/extra large on the PupGear website.
PupGear also carries a variety of other dog products including: Doggydocks and life vests – for pups who like to hang out waterside with their owners and; Pup-Head Portable Dog Potties – for dogs who live in high-rises, balconies, decks, boats, and RV’s, etc. and need a place to “go.”