Stylish Collars from Doggie Couture

Pet Product Review – Stylish Collars from Doggie Couture

Doggie Couture Shop

Assorted collars Collars with bling

Thanks to the team at Doggie Couture for supplying our Guest blogger, Nicole Daute, with the very stylish collar for this review!

Back in March my fiancé and I decided we would once again open our home to a foster dog. Fortunately, we were able to find a dog that got along well with other dogs and cats as we had one of each. The email sent by the rescue with the list of foster dogs and their corresponding photo included a terrier mix that caught our eye. He had a black coat and his face was perfectly half black and white with eyes that made is melt. His name was Joshua and he was four months old.

Arthur & Milo

We brought Joshua home with us along with his plentiful supplies. We introduced him to our dog Milo and our cat Luna. He was a bit shy at first, but he was very happy to be in the company of other pets. With each passing day we grew more and more fond of Joshua, we got to know his gentlemanly ways from his careful approach of new people and puppy play with Milo. We decided two things after a three week foster period: one, that Joshua was not the right name for him, so instead we called him Arthur. And two, that we would keep Arthur.

Leaves collar

After all the papers were signed and foster dog supplies were returned to the rescue group, we decided that it was time to give Arthur a makeover. We bathed and groomed him and topped it off with a new collar. We received a beautifully designed fabric collar that fit Arthur’s neck and his style. The Leaves Collar from the Doggie Couture shop is stylish for our new puppy boy, but not too flashy. We really liked the color combinations with a touch of red! The white parts of the collar do get a bit dirty as Arthur and Milo wrestle in the backyard, but the fabric is easy to wash and cleans up like new. Most of all, Arthur loves his new accessory and wears it proudly!

You will find a huge selection of collars on the Doggie Couture website ranging from the stylish yet inexpensive to the tastefully extravagant, loaded with plenty of bling. Be sure to take some time to browse the hundreds of other pet products also available on the Doggie Couture site.

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