Pet Product Review – Greenies Pill Pockets Treats for dogs
The panel is always happy to receive products from the great team at Greenies to review!
Shakespeare, our daughter’s 9 month old Great Dane, has to take daily supplements to help keep his giant breed bones healthy as he continues to grow, and he’s not very happy about it. He runs for the hills every time his mom says the word “medicine.” Thankfully, hope arrived at our doorstep in the form ofa treat witha hollow center in whichwe couldhidethe dreadedpill and replace the bitter, medicinal taste witha flavored treatall of our panel members love, Greenies! We couldn’t wait to test them on Shakespeare.
♫ Just a Pill Pocket Greenie helps the medicine go down… ♫ Suddenly the word “medicine” has taken on a whole new meaning! No longer something to be feared, it is now a glorious word met withjumps of joy and dropsof drool. Shakespeare can’t wait to take his medicine every morning! The Pill Pocketobviously passes the taste testand it gives his immune system a boost with a dose of vitamins C & E. We love Greenies Pill Pockets!
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