Yam Good dog treats by Canyon Creek Ranch

Pet Product Review: Yam Good Dog Treats by Canyon Creek Ranch

Canyon Creek Ranch

Canyon Creek Ranch treats

When shopping for dog treats with my daughter, she always makes sure I flip the package over and check the list of ingredients before buying. I’ve learned that any ingredient list that is longer than 2 lines is probably not a very healthy treat for our dogs so, when perusing the treats at Petsmart yesterday, I handed her the bag of Canyon Creek Ranch Yam Good treats, she read the ingredients and gave them a thumbs up!

Shake & Yam Good treat
The list of ingredients reads: Chicken breast, yams, vegetable glycerin, natural flavors. Don’t you love it when the treat’s main ingredients match exactly with the flavor that is advertised on the front of the package? I do!
5_paws_thumb Shakespeare and Joey love these treats! Could Shakespeare possibly stretch his neck any longer to try to get the treat in his mouth? I don’t think so! Healthy and the dogs would do anything to get another, that’s a 5 paws-up treat if I ever saw one!
Canyon Creek Ranch treats come in a variety of flavors and forms and range in price from $6.99 to $10.99. You can purchase them at most pet supply retail stores and online at Petsmart.com .
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