Sweet Spots Ice Cream Treats by Nature’s Variety

Pet Product Reviews – Sweet Spots ice cream treats by Nature’s Variety

Nature's Variety

Sweet Spots ice cream treats

Thank you Nature’s Variety for sending the pups samples of your Sweet Spots ice cream treats!

Shake & Sweet Spots "Wait!"
What better way to see out National Ice Cream Month then by sampling the popular Sweet Spots ice cream treats! According to some of our local pet stores, this ice cream treat is so popular they have trouble keeping it in stock! These treats are 98% lactose free, fortified with whey protein, enriched with live active yogurt cultures and, with only 5% crude protein, it’s a great snack for our Great Dane, Shakespeare.
Shake & Sweet Spots "Eat!"
Shakespeare had to first “sit” and “wait” before being allowed to take his treat (which was obviously torture for the poor guy), but once he had hold of it, there was no separating him from his frozen feast! He and Joey LOVE Sweet Spots! Now every time I go to the freezer I have an instant audience hoping that I’m there to retrieve some icy cold yummies for them! And there’s no need for us to pop the treat out of its container and place it in their food bowls, our dogs like to grab the cups in their mouths and take them to their favorite hang-out spots. I like Sweet Spots, not only because it’s made with only natural ingredients,but also because it keeps the rascals occupied for a good 15 minutes while they lick their way to the bottom of the carton! Perfect treat for the 95+ degree days we’ve been having in Denver.
Sweet Spots come in two flavors: Sweet Potato & Molasses (which is the flavor we sampled); Peanut Butter & Honey and sells for around $5.99 (for a box of 4 – 3.5 oz cups). To find a pet store that carries the treats in your area, visit the Sweet Spots Store Locator page .

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