All Natural Dog Treats & Gifts by Natertot Bakery

Pet Product Review – All Natural Dog Treats & Gifts by Natertot Bakery

Natertot Bakery All Natural Dog Treats & Gifts

I never know what gems I may come across when I surf the web looking for interesting products to review and the Natertot Bakery is definitely an emerald! Their doggy delicacies are made with the finest, all natural human ingredients and they never use artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. Howls of thanks from the Secret Shopper hounds to the amazing team at Natertot Bakery for sending them treats to review!

Shake & Natertot Bikkies piñata

The treats come in the cutest 100% biodegradable gift boxes, so cute that we thought we’d turn ours into a puppy piñata! We tossed a few loose treats in the box (which Shakespeare could smell and see through the cut-out heart on the front), but the poor fellow hadn’t a clue as to what he was expected to do to win one of the yummy treats! If he could dial the phone, I believe he’d have called 911!

Shake begging for Natertot Bikkies

Q: How do you train a 10 month old, 106 pound Great Dane to beg? A: You get out the step ladder of course! Shakespeare went to great heights to snag some Beef & Cheese Dog Bikkies (a.k.a. biscuits). He found them irresistible and we found his addiction to the new treats quite entertaining! He clearly did not want the flow of Bikkies to stop. We LOVE these all natural treats!

Natertot Bakery makes dog training bits (½”), Bikkies (1″+), treats (2″), muffins, cookies, donuts, brownies and more! They also carry seasonal treats, special occasion treats and some adorable treat jars to keep them in! The treats come in variety of package sizes and range in price from $4.25 to $13.00. You can purchase them all on the Natertot Bakery website .

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