A daschund, as pictured, makes a great apartment dog!

Hartz Crunch ‘n Clean Dog Biscuits

Pet Product Review – Hartz Crunch ‘n Clean dog biscuits

Thank you Hartz for sending some of your Crunch ‘n Clean treats for our dog panel to review!

The dogs love their treats, so anytime we find treats that offer more than just good taste we have to give them a try. Hartz Crunch ‘n Clean treats are low-fat (50 calories per biscuit) and the ingredients include: Several vitamins and minerals (including vitamins A, B12, zinc and calcium); breath freshening crystals and; their patented Dentashield® which cleans teeth, helps remove tartar and prevents the formation of new tartar. All the dogs know is that they LOVE the taste but we notice an improvement in Joey’s breath after every treat session! It’s a win-win situation! Great treats at a reasonable price!

Hartz Crunch ‘n Clean treats come in braised beef, rotisserie chicken and smokehouse bacon flavors and sell for around $5 for a 26 oz box. You can find them in most pet retail stores or purchase online at DoItBest.com . Be sure to click on the picture above to get your $1 coupon.


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