Po’s Bag Of Bones Bakery Treats

Pet Product Review: Po’s Bag of Bones Bakery Treats


One of the most heartbreaking times in any pet owners’ life is when it comes time to say goodbye to your furry friend. It may be cancer or natural causes or any variety of other illnesses, whatever it may be it is never easy. Sometimes you have to take a step back and think about taking something positive out of the experience. That is exactly what Lauren, the owner of Po’s Bag of Bones Bakery did. She lost her dog, Po, last year to cancer. After hearing by her vet that cancer can be caused by the nasty products that are found in everyday pet food she started baking all natural organic treats for her pets. This love of animals turned into what is known today as Po’s Bag of Bones Bakery.

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I brought the box of treats in from the mailbox and set it on my floor. My dog was doing crazy pawing at the box trying to get to the treats. He knew there was something yummy in there before I had even opened it up! My puppy absolutely loved the treats! The website for Po’s Bag of Bones Bakery says that the products are good enough for humans and even taste tested by her young son. So, you know I had to try some! I must say they weren’t half bad, I like the Carob Chip Cookies the best (and my kids agree)!

Po’s Bag of Bones Bakery sells a variety of delicious treats for cats and dogs and humans too. All natural and all organic, how can you go wrong?

You can order online at: http://www.etsy.com/shop/PosBagofBonesBakery. Or you can order from Lauen direct by emailing: POSBAGOFBONESSTORE@GMAIL.COM.

****5% of all proceeds are donated to the ASPCA.

If you have a pet product you think can pass the Secret Shopper Test, send an email to: secretshopperblog@gmail.com

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