Pet Product Review – blanketID Pet Tags – Protects your pet and your privacy

It’s no secret that we consumers, social networkers and just plain friendly folks, often give out way too much personal information. That’s one of the reasons the BlanketID tags really appealed to me: no personal info on your dog’s tag. I just didn’t expect the tag to be so cute! They’re only 1″ x 1/2″, weigh about the same as a feather, are silent, scratch resistant, waterproof and come in a variety of sweet designs to fit your pet’s personal sense of style.
You just purchase your
tag online and once received, register the unique tag number at If you lose your pet, notify the folks at who will automatically send a “broadcast email to local SPCA, animal hospitals, shelters, other local blanketID members.” If you find a pet with a BlanketID, go to and enter the tag number.
Jade’s owner, Kathleen, says, “Registering online was really easy. is a very user-friendly website, it only took about 30 seconds to register. And I really like how small the tag is! It doesn’t take over Jade’s whole body (like her last tag). LOL! I think it’s a great program!”
You can choose your design and purchase a tag at The tags cost $24.99 – which includes your first year of registration! Add an extra year for $11.99. BlanketID donates more than 15% of sale proceeds to their
Blanket Fund for Animals. Love it!
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