March 20th is International Day Of Happiness! It’s a time to spread happiness throughout the world and share your own happiness with others. No one is better at spreading happiness than our dogs. Our furry best friends don’t even need a special day to keep us smiling. They do it all year long. Here are ten ways dogs make us happy in celebration of International Day Of Happiness!
1. They Are The Best Comedians
Dogs just know how to make us laugh. In fact, I don’t go one day without my dogs putting a smile on my face. Their antics, their excitement, their emotions, and everything about them make us happy. Do you know any comedian who could make you laugh like your dog does every day? I don’t think so.
2. They Always Know When To Cheer Us Up
Our dogs are always able to pick up on our human emotions in a way that even other humans would probably find hard to do. They know when we’re angry, sad, or even depressed, and they’re always willing to be a furry shoulder to cry on.
3. They Never Let Us Feel Lonely

Being lonely is miserable, but with a dog around, there’s never a chance to feel lonely. They’re always there for us, even if we’d rather have some privacy. Then again, you never know when loneliness will strike. It may come when you’re sitting on the toilet, and you’ll finally be grateful to have your pup sitting there watching you.
4. Cuddles

Need I say more? Cuddles are amazing, and they release all kinds of endorphins that make us happy. Dogs are the best cuddlers.
5. They Get Us Out Of The House

Sometimes to feel happy, all you need to do is get outside and stop being cooped up in a house all day. Dogs are so excited to get outside and go for a walk, and getting fresh air and exercise is a great way to stay happy and motivated. Dogs won’t let you be a sad couch potato all day.
6. They Make It Impossible To Stay Mad
Even when our pups are being naughty, their puppy-dog-eyes and expressions make it impossible to stay mad. With one snuggle, all our anger fades away. Why bother to stay mad when you’ve got a cute, furry friend in your arms giving you all the love?
7. They Remind To Celebrate Even The Little Things
When is the last time you got so excited you had to jump up and down? Dogs get excited like that over everything. The moment you come home, they’re jumping for joy. If you pull out the ball or favorite toy, they can’t contain themselves. Going to the dog park? They’re over the moon. Even if you just go outside with them, they couldn’t be more thrilled. The little things are worth getting happy about, and dogs remind us of that.
8. They Help Us Talk To Other People

Part of being human is interacting with other humans, and our non-human companions help us with that. We get to meet all kinds of people on our walks or when we visit the dog park, and we already share something in common with them: our love of dogs. Being able to communicate and share with other people makes us happier, and we have our dogs to thank for it.
9. Their Happiness Is Contagious
Have you ever seen a doggy smile and just had to smile yourself? The joy dogs feel is infectious, and we can’t help but feel happier just because they are happy. When my dogs are smiling, I’m smiling.
10. Unconditional Love, Of Course

Our pooches provide us with something that’s almost impossible to find anywhere else–unconditional love. Knowing that you are loved can make you happy even in the darkest of times. Dogs constantly remind us that someone out there cares for us deeply no matter what we do or what mistakes we make. If that doesn’t give you at least a little more happiness in life, I don’t know what will.
How has your dog made you happy today? Will you share that happiness with others for International Day Of Happiness? Let us know in the comments below!