GRANADA HILLS, CA: February 11, 2012 – Norman the Scooter Dog, demonstrates his talent at the start of the filming of an open casting call for Animal Planet's upcoming series "Who Let The Dogs Out." Norman sits on the judging panel. Most of the entrants will appear as "extras" in "Who Let The Dogs Out"
(Picture Credit: Katie Falkenberg/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

11 Of The Weirdest Guinness World Records Held By Dogs

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All dogs are amazing, but some pups go above and beyond to be the best at what they do. A select few even set or break Guinness World Records! But sometimes those doggy records leave us scratching our heads and asking questions like, “How? Why? What?”

Here are eleven of the strangest, weirdest, and most off-the-wall world records held by dogs according to Guinness World Records.

And don’t forget to celebrate Guinness World Records Day on November 18th!

1. Fastest Time To Pop 100 Balloons By A Dog

Toby the Whippet from Calgary in Alberta, Canada broke the world record for popping 100 balloons in just 28.22 seconds, breaking his old record of 36.53 seconds.

The previous record holder was a Jack Russell named Twinkie from California.

Toby’s human, Christie Springs, said the pair practiced by filling a pool with balloons to pop so Toby could entertain the neighbors.

2. Most Balls Caught With The Front Paws In One Minute

You may have seen Purin the Beagle in viral internet videos, and that’s because she’s as talented as she is adorable.

Her human was tossing balls for her one day when he noticed that she could catch them with her front paws. Since then, the pair practice for 15 minutes a day at their home in Japan.

Her world record for most balls caught with the front paws in one minute is 14. Purin holds another record with the fastest 10 meter traveled on a ball at 9.45 seconds.

3. Fastest 100 Meter With A Can Balanced On Head By A Dog

Sweet Pea holds a record that makes us wonder how someone even thinks these things up.

The Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix was trained by her human, Alex Rothaker, to balance a soda can on her head while walking.

She holds the record for fastest 100 meter with a can on her head at 2 minutes and 55 seconds.

4. Fastest 10 Meter On A Walking Globe By A Dog

Sailor the Poodle was almost euthanized for behavioral problems before a trainer stepped in and took him home. That trainer was Alex Rothaker, the same guy who trained Sweet Pea to hold a can on her head.

He taught Sailor plenty of tricks, and eventually the pair captured a world record for the fastest 10 meter on a walking globe at 33.22 seconds, along with the fastest 10 meter on a walking globe going backwards at 17.06 seconds.

5. Animal Most Photographed With Celebrities

Lucky Diamond the rescued Maltese started her road to the record book when she got her photo taken with her first celebrity, Hugh Grant. After that, she had her picture snapped with 363 celebrities, including Kanye West, Bill Clinton, Snoop Dogg, and Kristin Stewart.

She became the animal most photographed with celebrities, and at the encouragement of thousands of fans on Facebook, her human, Wendy, contacted Guinness to make it official.

Sadly, Lucky Diamond passed away at the age of 15, but her photographs live on as a memorial to how beloved she was.

6. Longest Human Tunnel Traveled Through By A Skateboarding Dog

Dai-Chan, a dog in Japan, broke this record in 2017 by riding under 33 people, but the video above is of the previous record holder, Otto.

Otto the Bulldog managed to ride his skateboard through the legs of 30 humans. His humans were inspired by Tillman, the Bulldog former record holder who passed away. Otto carried the torch quite well.

7. Fastest Crossing Of A Tightrope By A Dog

Ozzy is a Border Collie/Australian Kelpie mix, which means he needs a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy.

His human, Nick, decided to put him to the test by teaching him to walk on a tightrope. The talented pup gets some tosses of his toy as a reward, and he couldn’t be happier.

His record for crossing the tightrope is 18.22 seconds.

8. Most Bottles Recycled By A Dog

A Labrador named Tubby did his part to save the environment. He helped his human, Sandra Gilmore, by collecting some 26,000 plastic bottles over several years.

Tubby picked the bottles up on his daily walks, crushed them, and gave them to his mom.

He holds the world record, and he did his best to save the world!

9. Fastest 30 Meter On A Scooter By A Dog

Norman the Scooter Dog has earned his title by holding the world record for fastest 30 meter on a scooter at 20.77 seconds.

The three-year-old Sheepdog beat the previous record by a whopping nine seconds.

He’s been riding his scooter since he was a puppy, and he can even ride a bicycle.

10. Longest Wave Surfed By A Dog In Open Water

Abbie Girl’s human found his pup’s love of surfing by accident.

He was out on the waves one day when she swam after him. He put her on the board, and she stood up proudly to ride the waves.

Since then, she’s shown her love of surfing by taking the world record for longest wave surfed by a dog at 107.2 meters or 351.7 ft.

11. World’s First Skydiving Anti-Poaching Dog

Arrow and his human, Henry Holsthyzen, were on a mission to stop poachers in Africa. The German Shepherd loved hanging off skids in helicopters on his anti-poaching missions and never showed signs of fear when it came to heights or wind.

After that, Henry relied on his strong bond with Arrow to take the plunge and start skydiving to take down poachers.

Guinness recognizes Arrow as the first skydiving anti-poaching dog in the world.

Happy Guinness World Records Day! What other strange Guinness World Records do dogs hold? Do you think your pup could break any of these records? Let us know in the comments below!

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