A German Shepherd is making her way around the world with her dog mom…on a motorcycle! Jess Stone has been wheeling around the globe with her 6-year-old pup, Moxie, and making lots of friends along the way.
German Shepherd Travels on Motorcycle With Dog Mom
The 75-pound German Shepherd and her 38-year-old dog mom, founder of dog accessory company Ruffly, have been road-tripping on a BMW motorcycle. Stone’s husband, 41-year-old Greg, is also along for the ride. He has his own BMW motorcycle and follows behind Stone and Moxie.
Moxie dons protective goggles and rides in the back of her dog mom’s motorcycle in a custom-made carrier. Stone secures her into the cockpit with a special harness. As the dynamic duo travel, they amuse and delight passersby.
“People have one hand on the steering wheel and one hand out the window with their phone,” Stone told People.
“She just puts a big smile on everybody’s face,” Stone continued. “And that’s the part that really matters.”
Moxie and her parents are documenting their epic journey in photographic and video form for their 123,000 followers on their Instagram account, @goruffly. Their website, goruffly.com, allows fans to follow their location live.
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All Around the World
Stone and Moxie’s trip began in March in their home country of Guatemala. So far, they’ve navigated through Canada towards the Arctic Ocean, then steered south to Mexico, en route to Antarctica. Next up on the itinerary are Africa, Europe, and Asia. All told, the trip will span 90 countries and is expected to last more than two years.
Moxie is down for the ride.
“She’s an extremely adventurous dog,” Stone said.
Stone, Greg, and Moxie aren’t just doing this for kicks; they’re also raising $100,000 for the United Nations Foundation’s Girl Up, a female empowerment and leadership initiative, while on the road.
No matter where they go, one thing proves universal: people love dogs.
“If you’re a dog person in one country, you’re a dog person somewhere else too,” Stone told People. “People smile and laugh when they see her with her goggles on. It’s the best icebreaker you could have.”