June 8th is National Best Friends Day, and who better to spend it with than your best furry friend? Of course, we celebrate our love for our dogs all year long, but it’s great to have any excuse to do a little bit extra for our pups and show them how much we care.
If you’re anything like me, your dog is your absolute best friend in the whole world, and if your pooch could talk, they’d probably tell you that the feeling is mutual. So let’s all do something special for our dogs and let them know we appreciate them.
Here are a few ways to celebrate National Best Friends Day with your dog!
How are you going to celebrate National Best Friends Day with your dog? What are some fun things you have planned? Let us know in the comments below!
Ways To Celebrate National Best Friends Day With Your Dog
Have Extended Play Time
(Picture Credit: meaghanbrowning/Getty Images)
Play time isn't just fun for dogs; it's necessary. It's the way they learn about the world, form bonds, and get mental and physical exercise. If your dog is tired at the end of the day, you know you've done a good job of keeping them stimulated.
Playing with your dog can help reduce their anxiety, cut back destructive behavior, and improve your relationship and communication. So for National Best Friends Day, have an extra play session.
Here are a few resources if you're looking for some games to play with your pooch:
Go For A Swim
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
Summer is almost here, and if the weather is nice, National Best Friends Day might be a great time to go for a swim with your dog.
See if there is a lake or dog-friendly swimming hole in your area. Remember to check for safety announcements about algae or other dangers in your area first.
If you don't have a place to swim near you, you can always make your own swim party with a kiddie pool, sprinklers, and water toys.
Not every dog likes the water, but for those who do, a swim with a best friend is a perfect way to spend the day.
Take A Nap
(Picture Credit: Justin Bailie/Getty Images)
When a dog takes a nap near you, it's usually a good indicator that they trust you and feel safe around you. They recognize you as their protector and family, and it can be a sign that you have a strong bond with one another.
Let your dog know that you feel the same way by taking a nap with them.
Some people don't like to sleep in the same bed as their dog, and that's okay. You can just be near each other while you rest up.
It can help improve your bond and allow you to relax and recover from all the extra playing you've been doing for National Best Friends Day.
Go On A Doggy Date
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
There are plenty of dates you can take your dog on, whether you have a human significant other to join you or not. The best part is that most of these dates are cheap or even free.
Plan a picnic, take a walk somewhere new, go for a drive, or find something else to do outside. There are plenty of safe options that will let you spend time with your dog while getting out of the house.
Your dog will enjoy the extra bonding, and you'll get some fresh air!
Try New Food
(Picture Credit: JodiJacobson/Getty Images)
Does your dog get the same old food every day? That sounds pretty boring, doesn't it?
Try making some new food for your pup, and maybe look up some new recipes for human food while you're at it, so you can get some variety, too.
Preparing food for your dog is probably easier and more fun than you think, and it feels good to know you put in extra effort and made something special for your dog. Ask your veterinarian or nutritionist what kinds of food you can share with your pup.
Here are a few resources to help you get started:
Get Back To Nature
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
Walks should be enjoyed by dogs of every age. Going out for a nice long walk gives your dog an opportunity to explore, smell new smells, and get exercise. It's mentally and physically stimulating for them, and it can be good for you, too.
Try going for a nature hike. If you live in the city, take a look around for forest preserves and nature trails near you. Even urban jungles usually have somewhere to enjoy grass and trees.
Your dog will appreciate the chance to sniff some new places and feel the fresh air blow through their fur.
Talk To Each Other
(Picture Credit: Jetta Productions/Walter Hodges/Getty Images)
Do you know how your dog wants to be talked to? How do you communicate with your dog?
Communication is important for bonding and training, and while you and your dog may understand one another, it's also important to think about how you and your dog talk to each other.
Understanding your dog's body language and other ways of telling you what they want can help you anticipate your dog's needs and be a better pet parent. It can even help you know when your dog is sick or upset, and you'll be better prepared to help them when they need you.
Try learning something new about how you and your dog can talk to each other. You'd be surprised how much it can improve your relationship, and that's a great way to spend National Best Friends Day.
Here are some resources that can help: