Great Dane standing on field against sky, Woodinville, Washington, United States, USA.
(Photo Credit: Nathan Beier / 500px | Getty Images)

Great Dane ‘Kevin’ Declared World’s Tallest Living Dog

On June 13, Guinness World Records crowned an Iowa pup the world’s tallest living dog. Great Dane Kevin stands above all and has been titled the world’s tallest canine. He measures 38.19 inches from his feet to withers. However, the pup is as tall as about 83.86 inches when he stands on his hind legs.

Guinness World Records declares world’s tallest dog to be Great Dane ‘Kevin’

According to Guinness World Records, Kevin is the world’s tallest living dog. An average Great Dane is about 26 to 34 inches tall at the shoulder. Named after the iconic Macaulay Culkin character from “Home Alone,” the pup belongs to Tracy and Roger Wolfe of West Des Moines, Iowa.

Kevin lives in a big family and has been described as a “gentle giant” by his parents. Along with his human siblings, the canine has four cats, three dogs, horses, goats, and chickens to keep him company. With a big family, there are times when someone is occupying his favorite spot. He makes sure to tattle on them to his mom to get back to his favorite activity, napping on the couch.

He might stand taller than the rest, but the beloved pet is terrified of the vacuum. Moreover, his mom stated that Kevin tends to be “scared of most things.” The canine was also scared of the measuring tape, which made it extra tricky for the authorities to take his measurements for the record.

Kevin’s parents noted that he has a funny personality and knows when to use his height to his advantage. Tracy uses a baby gate to keep her furry companions in her office if she takes them to work. While Kevin stays put when she is in the office, he is happy to step over the gate and follow his mom as soon as she leaves for some work.

The 3-year-old canine succeeded Zeus the Great Dane as the world’s tallest dog, who stood 41.18 inches tall compared to Kevin’s 38.19 inches. Unfortunately, Zeus passed away in September 2023 due to post-surgery complications.

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