A puppy sits amongst Christmas presents in Lovell, Maine.
(Picture Credit: Jose Azel/Getty Images)

Holiday Puppies: A Nightmare After Christmas?

samoyed dogs behind fence
Holiday puppies may not be the best gifts! (Picture Credit: Getty Images)

If you’re thinking about gifting someone a puppy for Christmas or bringing one home to your family, you might want to stick with traditional presents instead. Your bundle of joy can become a holy terror if you’re not prepared.

By the time summer comes around, those puppies might be sitting in a shelter.

In one memorable summer for a Samoyed rescue in Minnesota, three dogs arrived, one after the other, all 18 months old. The white, fluffy dogs were typical mischievous adolescents — if a little unrulier than most.

“None of the dogs had been to obedience class,” says Julie Dunkle, one of the rescue group’s founders.

“None of the owners had studied the breed before buying the puppies, which would have clued them in that a Samoyed wasn’t a good choice for their families, or at least explained why the dog was behaving the way she did and what to do about it.”

The kicker: All were named Angel, and all had started life as Christmas gifts for the kids.

Why Christmas Puppies Can Make Disastrous Gifts

A puppy sits amongst Christmas presents in Lovell, Maine.
(Picture Credit: Jose Azel/Getty Images)

Although the three Angels found a happy ending — they were all in good homes by the end of September — they were part of a phenomenon that drives rescue groups, shelters, and trainers crazy: the Christmas puppy.

Parents envision a cute, stubby-legged puppy under the tree and a Christmas morning their kids will never forget. But fast-forward that tender scene two or three months, and the picture perfect moment often fades to a shot of chewed up shoes and splotchy carpets, edged by deep regret.

That’s when dog trainer Nicole Wilde‘s phone starts ringing. “When the puppy’s three or four months old, she’s jumping up, nipping the kids, soiling in the house, and keeping the parents up at night,” says Wilde, author and owner of Gentle Guidance Dog Training in Santa Clarita, California.

If the puppy is lucky, the new puppy parents turn to trainers like Wilde. Less fortunate pups are banished to the yard, basement, or even a shelter. No matter the outcome, the root of the problem is usually the same: pet parents who are under-prepared and under-informed.

“Parents get so focused on how excited the kids are going to be,” says Wilde, “they’re not looking past what happens when that excitement dies down.”

Improve Your Odds Of A Happy Homecoming

Two best friends
(Picture Credit: Anchiy/Getty Images)

Still, it’s not always a bad idea to bring home a dog for the holidays.

In fact, for some families, it’s an ideal time to get a new pet, says former San Francisco SPCA president Jan McHugh Smith. “The kids are on vacation for a couple weeks, and mom and dad are off from work,” she says. “You have time to help the pet acclimate to her new home.”

But the key to making a Christmas puppy a successful gift is to do your research ahead of time. Many prospective adopters are completely unprepared for the hard work of raising a puppy. So the first step is to know what you’re getting into.

To make sure you’re ready, watch our video: Are you ready to get a dog?

Another important step is to evaluate different breeds — and breed mixes — to get a sense of what type of dog best suits your personality and lifestyle. Take DogTime’s MatchUp quiz to find out.

Remember, you can find almost any breed through a shelter or rescue. You can even check out DogTime’s adoption page that lets you search for adoptable dogs by breed and zip code.

As Wilde points out, your puppy won’t just be with you for Christmas Day; they’ll be with you for the rest of their life. So give yourself the time to make a wise choice — even if it means missing the December 25th deadline.

Have you ever gotten a puppy at Christmas time? Were you prepared, or would you have preferred a different gift? Let us know in the comments below!


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