michigan dog law
Photo by Deb Perry via Getty

Michigan Dog Law 2023: Rabies, Dog Bites, Dog Cruelty, and Dog Chains

michigan dog law
Photo by Deb Perry via Getty

What are the dog laws in Michigan? Does Michigan have dog laws? If you live in this state, you might be wondering what the law says about issues like rabies vaccination, dog bites, dog cruelty, and dog chains. 

Read on for more information about dog laws in Michigan.

What Dog Vaccines are Required by Law in Michigan?

Any dog over 12 weeks of age in Michigan must receive a rabies vaccine. This vaccine must be administered by a licensed veterinarian. Every dog is required to have a second inoculation within one year of the first. 

If an unvaccinated dog bites a person, they will be considered as a potential rabies carrier. They will be put in quarantine for 10 days. If there are no rabies symptoms, they may return home post-vaccination. If they show signs of rabies, they will be euthanized for testing.

Wolf hybrid dogs cannot be vaccinated in Michigan, or owned altogether. It is illegal to keep a hybrid wolf-dog in the state of Michigan. 

What Are the Dog Bite Laws in Michigan?

Michigan is a strict liability dog bite state. This means that a dog owner is liable for the full amount of a dog bite victim’s injuries. A dog’s owner is liable for an aggressive dog even if the attack could not have been prevented or predicted. For example, consider someone visits your house. Your dog has never been previously aggressive, and is contained in a crate. However, your visitor chooses to put their hand in through the bars of the crate, and is bitten. Although precautions were taken, you would still be liable for your dog’s bite.

There are cases where dogs will not be considered aggressors in attacks, even if previously proven to be dangerous.

Who is liable for damages when a dog bites someone in Michigan?

Dog owners are not responsible for attacks in which the dog was provoked or protecting the owner. This could include yelling at, hitting, or throwing objects at the dog. Additionally, if you were trespassing on private property and then were attacked by an otherwise contained dog, the dog’s owner would not be liable.

Additionally, in some cases, there may be a “common sense” prohibition on finding a dog owner liable. For example, most people know to leave an eating dog or a mother with puppies alone. Bothering an animal when you could predict aggressive behavior will not always result in liability for the owner.

Can a dog be euthanized for biting in Michigan?

A dangerous dog, particularly a repeat offender, may be euthanized if this is determined to be in the best interest of the safety of the community. After one documented bite, a dog is considered vicious in the state of Michigan. This means that subsequent bites may lead to euthanasia. Additionally, a severe enough attack could lead the court to determine euthanasia is the best course of action even for a first offender.

What Are Michigan Dog Abandonment Laws?

What is considered animal abandonment in Michigan?

According to section 750.50 of the Michigan Penal Code, animal abandonment is illegal. The law notes that animal abandonment “cause[s] an animal to be abandoned, in any place, without making provisions for the animal’s adequate care, unless premises are vacated for the protection of human life or the prevention of injury to a human. An animal that is lost by an owner or custodian while traveling, walking, hiking, or hunting is not abandoned under this section when the owner or custodian has made a reasonable effort to locate the animal.” This means that simply letting an unwanted animal go loose instead of finding new caretakers is illegal. Animal abandonment is always dangerous to animals and people that may encounter them. It’s always better to surrender a pet to a shelter or rescue if you cannot keep them.

What is the punishment for animal abandonment in Michigan?

Like most of Michigan’s animal cruelty charges, animal abandonment (a first offense) is a misdemeanor in Michigan.

Who pays for an abandoned dog’s vet care in Michigan?

Anyone charged with animal abandonment will be subject to paying for their previously owned animal’s vet care, boarding, and any additional expenses incurred during their trial.

What Are Michigan Dog Cruelty Laws?

What is considered dog cruelty in Michigan?

Michigan has a wide range of defined actions that are viewed as animal cruelty. This includes neglect, abandonment, torture, and many other categories. According to Michigan Penal Code Section 750.50, “adequate care” means the provision of sufficient food, water, shelter, sanitary conditions, exercise, and veterinary medical attention in order to maintain an animal in a state of good health.” Anything outside of adequate care could constitute as animal abuse.

What is the punishment for dog cruelty in Michigan?

In Michigan, animal cruelty is most often a Class A misdemeanor. This is in cases where someone is charged for animal cruelty to a single animal. Animal cruelty can have serious consequences. Even first offenders can face jail time and large fines. Consequently, repeat offenders face harsher sentencing. However, in some cases animal cruelty can be a felony in Michigan. This is most often in the cases of repeat offenders. However, this can also apply to cases of aggravated animal cruelty, which is typically abuse that results in mutilation or death of the animal. Animal cruelty to 4-10 animals is a felony charge. Additionally, maiming, torturing, or killing an animal is a felony charge.

What is the punishment for dogfighting in Michigan?

As in the other 49 states, dogfighting is a felony in Michigan. This doesn’t apply only to those directly fighting their animals. Charges can also occur for those betting on or attending dogfights in Michigan.

What Are Michigan Dog Chain Laws?

Tethering or chaining a dog is legal in Michigan. However, Michigan does restrict tethering and have protocols in place for proper tethering. Before tethering your dog, be sure you’re in accordance with Michigan’s tethering orders. Keep in mind that some individual counties may have specific ordinances, so research your specific area. Michigan requires that a tethered dog must have a lead at least three times the length of the dog’s body, and that a tether must be safely attached to a no-choke collar or harness to prevent injury to the dog. Those found to be breaking Michigan’s tether law may be guilty of a misdemeanor.

How Does Michigan Dog Law Rank Against Other States?

Good news for all Michigan residents — the Animal Legal Defense Fund ranks Michigan at #14 out of all 50 US States for animal protection laws! This makes Michigan a “top-tier” state by their standards. There are many good things to praise about Michigan’s animal laws. For example, care requirements are well defined, leaving little wiggle room for neglect. Additionally, Michigan makes harsher animal abuse cases correlate to felony charges.


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