Dear Labby: What Should I Do About My Dog’s Stomach Gurgling? One of our DogTime fans has questions for Dear Labby about a dog's stomach gurgling! Is it a cause for…
Dear Labby: My Friend Didn’t Adopt & I Want To Tell Her How I Feel About It One of our DogTime readers is a strong supporter of dog adoption, but her friend bought a puppy from a…
Dear Labby: My Roommate Hates My Dog’s Farts. What Can I Do? One of our DogTime readers has a gassy dog, and the flatulence is bothering her roommate. What should she do?…
Dear Labby: I’m Fostering An Obese Dog, & Ignorant Strangers Are Blaming Me! One of our DogTime readers is fostering an overweight dog, but strangers are blaming her for the pup's obesity. What…
Dear Labby: What Does ‘Curb Your Dog’ Even Mean? One of our DogTime readers thought she was being respectful on a walk with her pooch, but someone told her…
Dear Labby: Am I Responsible For My Neighbor’s Dog Barking? One of our readers had a rather rude encounter with a neighbor and his barking dog. Did he cause the…
Dear Labby: Kids Are Stressing Out My Rescue Pup! What Should I Do? One of our DogTime readers has a rescue dog who's a little apprehensive about overly enthusiastic kids. What should he…
Dear Labby: Why Doesn’t My Dog Eat Without Me? Our reader's dog won't eat unless she's right next to him during meal time. Dear Labby explains why and tells…
Dear Labby: My Dog Is A Halloween Scaredy Cat! Can We Turn Down Trick-Or-Treaters? Is it okay to ward off Halloween Trick-Or-Treaters who might upset a pooch who's afraid of the commotion? Dear Labby…
Dear Labby: Why Does My Dog Carry His Food To The Other Room To Eat It? Our reader noticed her dog takes his food out of his bowl and eats it on the living room rug.…
Dear Labby: What’s Supposed To Happen At A Doggy Play Date? One of our readers agreed to a doggy play date but doesn't know what to expect. Is she supposed to…
Dear Labby: My Dog Vomits Every Few Weeks! Is That Normal? One of our DogTime readers has a pooch who throws up every few weeks. Is that okay? Should she do…