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Lifestyle (Page 19)
It’s well-known that swimming is a great way for your dog to get in some exercise. Swimming exercises muscle groups…
There are plenty of fantastic options for dog products made of recycled materials that decrease your pup’s waste. Check out…
Reusable diapers, belly bands, and wee pads are better for the environment and easier cleanup for you as a pet…
There are several things you can do to make your pup’s life a little less wasteful. Buying your dog eco-friendly…
Plenty of eco-friendly dog parenting habits reduce waste. One of these is to switch from plastic dog poop bags to…
Not only are reusable water bottles better for the environment, but they’re also safer for your dog. Keep your dog…
Captain Soffes's beloved dog Monster somehow fell off the back of his shrimping boat. She managed to swim about six…
Every gathering is even better when attendees get to go home with party favors. And there are many options for…
The least we can do for our dogs is to try to make sure they live comfortable, happier lives. Sometimes…
Dogs inspired and appeared in a lot of popular comics in the bright and colorful comic strip page, also known…
There are plenty of myths out there that explain why dogs are the way they are, and legends make these…
If you're a nerd like me, you've played a lot of Dungeons & Dragons. Wouldn't it be fun if your dog could…
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