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Puppies (Page 10)
Rescuers were in store for a special delivery of adorableness.
A small terrier dog and her 2 newborn puppies, were left in an ice box, on the hood of a…
Vet Ranch continues to help dogs who have no hope and we love them for it. Thank you for helping…
Puppies are so cute and funny!
Were these pups domesticated?
Making a dog part of the family is a big commitment and responsibility, and here are almost two dozen facts…
Someone dumped this puppy on the side of the road. He was lost and didn't know where to go.
Considering a Poodle? A great dog for people who have allergies but did you also know...
In Los Angeles, 5 stray puppies were orphaned when their stray mama dog had gone in search of food and…
18 adorable Australian Shepherd puppies waking up from a nap and doing other adorable things...
A Maremma Sheepdog gave birth to a litter of 17 puppies in California, which may be the largest litter in…
I hope this becomes a real thing and that we can watch every year!
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