English Bulldog, female, nineteen months old, stretches at the doorstep
(Picture Credit: marcoventuriniautieri/Getty Images)

Dear Labby: My Roommate Hates My Dog’s Farts. What Can I Do?

One of our DogTime readers has a gassy dog, and the flatulence is bothering her roommate. She writes:

Dear Labby,

My Bulldog, Meatballs, is really gassy. The problem is that my roommate can’t stand it.

Each time Meatballs farts, my roommate complains, swears, and tells me to take the dog outside. Well, taking the dog outside after she farts isn’t going to do much good.

How do I say that to my roommate without sounding like I’m just being lazy or inconsiderate?


Simply Unwilling to Let Flatulence Upset Roommate

Dear Labby Has The Answer!

a english bulldog puppy bitting a stuffed animal
(Picture Credit: Carol Yepes/Getty Images)

Dear S.U.L.F.U.R.,

My guess is that your roommate’s reaction is not so much a conscious request to remove the dog, but a plea for pre-emptive action in the future.

It’s like when we tell the telemarketer, “Can’t talk, I’m in the middle of surgery.” We’re trying to get those 20 seconds we spent on the phone back; what we really want is for them not to call during dinner tomorrow night.

Focus On Your Dog’s Health

Have you tried switching Meatballs to a different dog food? Or even more importantly, talked to your vet about the potential causes of the excess gas? If not, do so, and let your roommate know you’re working on it.

Meanwhile, make sure Meatballs gets plenty of exercise and a bathroom break after each meal. If there’s a certain hour of the day she’s particularly prodigious, consider spending quality time with the dog in a part of the home where your roommate isn’t.

What Else Can You Do?

Another fun, light-hearted solution is a Fart Jar. It works just like a Swear Jar. Every time Meatballs farts, put a dollar in the jar for your roommate. Although, the cost can add up pretty fast if your pooch keeps tooting.

You could also invest in some ways to get rid of the stink quickly. Maybe you can get some dog-friendly flowers or good-quality air filters. A fan for the common rooms could help dissipate the smell faster.

The old trick of lighting a match to clear away odors can work too. Just be careful with open flames and keep them well away from your dog.

It could be that a simple change in diet will fix this problem, but some dogs are just gassy, and there’s not much you can do. You won’t know until you exhaust all your options and solutions.

But if all else fails, maybe it’s time to consider switching up your roommate situation if you can.

As for how to respond when the offense does occur, “Limburger cheese puffs, anyone?”

Does your dog ever get gas and bother the other people you live with? What other doggy questions should Dear Labby answer? Let us know in the comments below!


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